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Hard-Wired Smoke & CO2 Detector Installation

Protect your home and stay prepared with NLE’s quick and easy hard-wired smoke and CO2 Detector Installation.

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When You Need Hard-Wired Smoke & CO2 Detectors

New Constructions and Renovations

Modern building codes often require hard-wired detectors in new homes and significant renovations.

Replacing Outdated or broken Units

If your current detectors are old or broken, replacing them with hard-wired versions can boost your home's safety.

Upgrading for Enhanced Safety

If you're looking to improve your home's safety features, upgrading to hard-wired detectors is a wise choice.


When to Replace Hard-Wired Smoke & CO2 Detectors

Smoke and CO2 detectors should be replaced every 10 years to ensure they remain effective.


Signs It’s Time for a Replacement…

  • Yellowing: A clear aging indicator is when the plastic of your smoke alarm turns yellow because of the bromine added to it

  • Chirping Sounds: Frequent chirping or beeping

  • False Alarms: Frequent false alarms, even after cleaning and testing

  • Dust and Dirt Buildup: They accumulate dust and dirt over time, affecting their performance


How to Maintain Hard-Wired Smoke & CO2 Detectors

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your hard-wired smoke and CO2 detectors in top working order.

  • Test your detectors monthly by pressing the test button.

  • Replace backup batteries at least once a year or as needed.

  • Keep the detectors clean and free from dust and cobwebs.

  • Schedule professional inspections as part of your annual home maintenance routine.


 No Job is Too Small

It's not always the sweeping changes that make the most difference, but often the minor adjustments and enhancements that elevate your home. 

Let us take care of your electrical needs, whether it’s a full renovation or a single detector replacement.


Hard-wired vs. Battery-Operated


Depend on battery life, requiring regular checks to ensure functionality.


Constant power supply with battery backup, offering unwavering reliability even during power outages.

Installation Flexibility

Can be installed anywhere easily without the need for electrical wiring, offering quick setup.

Installation Flexibility

Require professional installation for optimal placement and integration with your home’s electrical system, ensuring comprehensive coverage.


Operate more often as standalone units, which might delay alerting the entire household to danger in specific areas.


All units are interconnected, meaning when one detector is triggered, all alarms sound, quickly alerting the entire household to potential dangers.


Battery changes needed regularly, with performance potentially affected by battery life.


Battery backups need occasional replacement, but the detectors are primarily powered by your home's electricity.

Cost Effectiveness

Lower upfront cost, but may incur more frequent maintenance expenses for battery replacements.

Cost Effectiveness

Higher initial investment in the system and installation, but potential savings in the long run due to less frequent maintenance and increased durability.

Safety and Peace of Mind

Enhanced safety features, including the ability to integrate with home security systems for comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

Safety and Peace of Mind

Provide basic protection with individual alerts, suitable for smaller spaces.


Process for Installing Hard-Wired Smoke & CO2 Detectors

We’ll Stay Out of Your Way

Installation of hard-wired smoke and CO2 detectors should be carried out by professional electricians.

The process will take half an hour to half a day, depending on how many units need to be replaced or installed.

The process involves:

  1. Planning the optimal locations for detectors throughout your home.

  2. Running electrical wiring to each detector location.

  3. Installing the detectors and connecting them to the electrical system and each other.

  4. Testing the system to ensure all units are functioning correctly and interconnected.


Correct Placement Protects Your Home 

According to the National Fire Protection Association, a smoke alarm should be installed:

  • On every level of the home (including the basement)

  • Inside each bedroom

  • Outside each sleeping area. 

If you are missing a smoke alarm in one of these key areas, you should update your smoke alarms as soon as possible.  


Detect & Protect—Contact Us Today

Our certified electricians ensure your system is installed correctly and your home is protected against fire and carbon monoxide risks.

Contact New London Electric today to schedule the installation of your hard-wired smoke and CO2 detectors.