Common Electrical Risks - Why Schedule a Whole House Checkup

Electricity is a powerful and necessary function of modern-day houses. Although we need electricity to survive, it can be dangerous if not handled the correct way. Common electrical risks can go unnoticed if you don’t know what to look for. 

One way to counteract these dangers is by getting an electrical check-up. This service looks at all your home’s electrical systems to ensure they are safe and in good working order. 

If you’re wondering when the best time to get an electrical check-up for your house is, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll cover everything you need to know in our helpful guide below. 

Common Electrical Risks 

Electricity is something that most people use daily without a second thought. Even though it’s an everyday necessity, electricity can be dangerous.

Electrical risks are more common than you think. Here are the most common electrical hazards to keep an eye out for. 

Old Wiring 

Even though old houses are full of charm, many also have old wiring. Having old wiring in your house is a huge safety issue. Faulty wiring was the reason for almost 68 percent of house fires last year alone. 

Most home fires happen because of an electrical malfunction called arching. This is when a gap in wiring makes electricity jump from one conductor to another. This jump causes a spark, which can then ignite the home. 

Another problem with old wiring is that it can shock a person. An electrical shock can seriously injure or even kill someone. 

Overloaded Outlets 

It can be very tempting to plug in a power strip and keep a ton of electrical devices running simultaneously. But your outlet can only supply a certain amount of electricity. Expanding the number of outlets with power strips can exceed the wattage limits.  

When you overload a power strip, it can overload circuits and trigger circuit breakers. The outlet or power strip will become so hot it is unsafe, which can start an electrical fire. 

Novice Electrical Work 

It can be tempting to do electrical work yourself, but this can be very dangerous. Many homeowners think they can handle electrical work when they don’t have the skill base. 

Electricians know about the electrical compliance standards needed to keep a house safe. If you aren’t aware of electrical codes, you could be putting your loved ones at risk. 

A residential electrical system is complex. If you are not a professional, you may not know the right regulations or precautions. A novice can improperly install electrical components and cause serious risks. 

Professional electricians use specific tools and equipment in their jobs. These tools and safety gear are necessary for any electrical work. If you don’t have access to those, it can increase the risk of injuries. 

Wet Electrical Environments 

Most people know that water and electricity are two things to keep far apart from each other. Water conducts electricity.

A novice electrician may install electrical sources too close to water. Sinks, pools, and tubs near water can increase your risk of electric shock. 

Having poor insulation near a water source is another recipe for disaster. Damaged insulation around water sources can encourage electrical issues. 

Damaged Wires and Cords 

Like many things, wires and cords can age. Old wires and cords can crack or get worn out. A damaged wire or cord won’t work the way that it should. 

Mice and other rodents can also damage wires and cords. The exposed wire can get dangerously hot or spark and cause a fire. 

You may not notice that the wires and cords in your home are faulty. A professional electrical inspector will know what to look for. They can give you advice on what needs fixing or replacing. 

Keeping Your House Safe With Regular Electrical Inspections 

You’ll want to ensure your electrical systems are in tip-top shape for the safety of your home and everyone living there. There are a few actions you can take to ensure that your electrical systems are in good working order. 

Getting an electrical check-up is something every homeowner should do. An electrical check-up involves a professional electrician coming to your house. They are looking for anything faulty or unsafe with all your electrical systems. 

Finding Hazards 

First, the electrical technician will make sure there are no hazards. They will look at all the electric system parts to ensure nothing is broken, outdated, or a hazard to you or your home.  

A home electrical inspection will look at the following areas: 

  1. Outlets and Light Switches

  2. GFCIs and AFCIs

  3. Hardwired Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

  4. Electrical Panel

  5. Breakers

Your electrician can do any electrical repairs and maintenance needed to keep your home safe. 

Increase Performance 

Electricians may also check the performance of your electrical system during a check-up. If your electrical system is old, it may not be running the way it should. 

The electrical technician can make changes to keep your electricity running smoothly. These changes can also help you reduce your energy cost. 

Longer Lifespan

Electrical systems don’t last forever. They can break down or stop working well over time.  

Electrical inspections can swap out older electrical parts with newer ones. This will keep the system running with fewer future breakdowns. 

Keeping Electrical Systems to Code 

Safety standards are always changing in the building world. Having a professional check that your electrical is to code will keep your home out of harm’s way. 

Safety First! 

Having an electrician check your electrical system is an excellent solution for your peace of mind. When you get a check of your home’s electrical system, you’ll know you are doing your part to reduce dangerous system failures. 

When to Get an Electrical Check-up 

It’s hard to know exactly when to schedule your home electrical check-up. There are a few times when you should consider having this service done. 

Before and After Renovations 

Renovating is often a natural part of owning a home. Many renovations can alter how your house’s electrical components are set up. 

If you are hoping to upgrade your house, call the electrician. You’ll want to make sure your electrical system can hold new fixtures or outlets. 

If you need to update any electrical, renovation is a good time to do it. An electrical inspection also ensures your home is still up to code and safe. 

Older Houses 

If you live in an older house, you’ll want an electrical inspection. That’s because outdated electrical systems in older houses can be deadly and inefficient.

Make sure you get an electrical check-up if your house was built earlier than 1940. Houses built before that year have old electric technology. 

One common type of older electrical is the knob and tube wiring system. This wiring isn’t only unsafe but can cost you a lot of money. It can also be much less environmentally friendly than newer electrical systems. 

After a Storm 

Storms can do a lot of damage to different elements of a home. If you’ve been through a big storm, you should always check your electrical system. Water damage, power lines, and other debris can cause major damage. 

Damaged electrical equipment may not be obvious at first. Your electrical inspector will help you determine if there is a problem that needs your attention. 

Electrical Problems

If you notice issues with your electrical systems as you go through the day, there may be a bigger problem at play. Some of these problems may seem minor but could mean electrical trouble. Schedule an electrical check-up to make sure you catch any trouble early. 

Don’t Wait to Schedule Your Home’s Electrical Check-up

Getting a regular electrical check-up should be something everyone gets in the habit of doing. These checks ensure your family and home are both safe from fires and shocks. 

If you need help identifying electrical risks, New London Electric Inc. is here to help! Our team of professional electrical specialists has over 500 five-star reviews! Contact us today for your free electrical work estimate.  

Joanne O'Neill